Table of Contents

NOTE: Items marked with “Current Best Price” have not been comparison-shopped nor priced in bulk yet.

NOTE: Shipping costs not included! This could be a silent killer. Some items assume Amazon Prime membership


Processor & Shields

Arduino Core

Current total cost: $28.00 - NOTE: No Camera with this config!

Raspberry Pi Core

Current total cost: $66.00


Current total cost: $13.25 presently, but not all items accounted for yet.

Voltage Regulator Components


MG995 Metal gear servo. Current best price: $6.00 per servo

Current total cost: $6.00


All information in this category currently assumes fabrication at PONOKO.COM

Current Cost: $41.36 plus shipping


Current Cost: [Not done building the list of required fasteners]

Grand Total

NOTE: - This information is just the sum of the categories above. It WILL change before shipping. Some parts are not yet sourced, priced, or best-priced, so this number is just the closest estimate we have.

Arduino Core


Raspberry Pi Core
