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kit:faq [2023/02/06 02:21] adminkit:faq [2023/11/29 07:28] (current) admin
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 **Q: What does the CrowBox cost?** **Q: What does the CrowBox cost?**
-A: We've tried to keep the cost of all materials as low as possible. Depending on where you source your materials, how expensive shipping is, and if you're able to get bulk materials in smaller lots, it should cost between $1-300+A: We've tried to keep the cost of all materials as low as possible. Depending on where you source your materials, how expensive shipping is, and if you're able to get bulk materials in smaller lots, it should cost between $2-300
 **Q: How long does it take to assemble the CrowBox?** **Q: How long does it take to assemble the CrowBox?**
 A: This depends a lot on your experience and materials. We estimate about ten hours of work (split over a few days to allow parts to dry, etc.) A: This depends a lot on your experience and materials. We estimate about ten hours of work (split over a few days to allow parts to dry, etc.)
 +**Q: Is the CrowBox too complex for beginners to build?**
 +A: Not at all. It's a manageable project with comprehensive support available from our community ([[|Google Group]]) and detailed YouTube Build videos ([[|YouTube Channel]])
 +**Q: What's the cost of building a CrowBox?**
 +A: Costs range from $200-300+, subject to materials, shipping, and potential upgrades like cameras, mounts, battery, or solar panels. Note that prices have been greatly influenced by inflation recently.
 +**Q: How much time is needed to assemble the CrowBox?**
 +A: Assembly time is estimated at 10-20 hours, depending on your skill level. You’ll also have to spread across several days to allow for drying times.
 +**Q: Can I buy a pre-built CrowBox or kit?**
 +A: Currently, there are no pre-built options for sale. This open-source project is designed for DIY enthusiasts, with extensive documentation provided to support home construction.
 +**Q: Is it feasible to place bulk orders for parts?**
 +A: Yes, bulk orders can reduce costs. However, follow-ups in the community are rare. For bulk order discussions, visit our Google group ([[|Google Group]]). Ponoko created links for individual orders that can easily be increased to larger numbers here ([[|Ponoko Guide]]).
 +**Q: Is anyone willing to build a CrowBox for me?**
 +A: Due to long build times, this is uncommon. You can always reach out to the community to inquire.
 +**Q: Will someone sell or give me their CrowBox for research purposes?**
 +A: The community has been collaborative in the past, so it's worth asking in our Google group ([[|Google Group]]).
 +**Q: Do people have spare parts from their builds?**
 +A: Yes, surplus parts are common, because many items are sold in packs such as switches, wires, silicon bands, etc. Consider making a request on the Google group.
 +**Q: Can alternative materials be used instead of acrylic?**
 +A: While other materials like wood, fluted polypropylene sheets, corrugated plastic, & sintra (Expanded PVC) have been discussed, the design files are optimized for 3mm thick acrylic.
 +**Q: Is 3D printing an option for the CrowBox?**
 +A: Yes, but no official 3D files are provided. You'd need to convert the existing geometry files (.dxf) to a suitable format for 3D printing (.stl/.3mf). Geometry files available here ([[|Geometry Files]]), BOM here ([[|BOM]]).
 +**Q: Can the CrowBox accept X/Y/Z instead of coins?**
 +A: The current design demands flat, round, metal objects. (Coins, washers, etc.) They have to roll into the machine, and they have to conduct electricity (be metal) in order to trip the coin sensor. That said, the design is open source, so you could potentially alter it to detect other things!
 +**Q: Can I modify the CrowBox to accept other items like trash, bottle caps, cigarette butts?**
 +A: While possible, it would require significant redesign, such as adding new sensors. There are no ready-made modifications currently available. It's open source, though, so feel free to innovate!
 +**Q: Can I monitor or control the CrowBox remotely via WIFI?**
 +A: The base design uses an Arduino UNO R3, but some have integrated WIFI capabilities with boards like ESP32. For an example, see: [[|GitHub Repository]].
 +**Q: Can the CrowBox be battery powered?**
 +A: Yes, batteries with an "Always On" feature are recommended, such as those from Voltaic Systems. The CrowBox's Arduino draws about 47mA when idle. More on battery power can be found at the following links: [[|Portable Power]], [[|Battery Power]], and a YouTube video ([[|CrowBox Upgrade - Power a CrowBox with a USB power bank]]).
 +**Q: What food should be used as a reward?**
 +A: A combination of Roasted, unsalted peanuts with Baked Cheetos (or similar baked cheese snack) are recommended, but a variety of foods like cheese snacks, other nuts, and pet kibble can also work.
 +  * **Favorite Foods:**
 +    * Nuts, namely peanuts, walnuts, and almonds
 +    * Eggs (raw, boiled, scrambled…it doesn’t matter to a crow!)
 +    * Meat scraps like chicken and fish
 +    * Dry cat and dog kibble/pellet food (yes, really!)
 +  * It's beneficial to have a nearby water source. For more on site preparation: [[|Site Preparation]]
 +**Q: Can I control the food dispensed?**
 +A: Not really. The system allows birds to take what they can during a 15-second window, with no precise control over quantity.
 +**Q: How long will it take to train corvids to bring items?**
 +A: That's not really the goal of the project, so probably a very long time. We're trying to figure out how to autonomously train corvids in order to change how people think about species that live near human beings, and to learn as much about them as we can in the process! Training success varies widely.
 +**Q: Does this system work for birds other than corvids?**
 +A: The CrowBox is designed primarily for Corvids, known for their problem-solving abilities. It may not be suitable for other bird species without modification. Here's a breakdown:
 +  * **Corvids:** Crows, Ravens, Jackdaws, Rooks, Jays, Magpies - generally successful.
 +  * **Other Birds:** Such as Seagulls and Starlings - not observed depositing items.
 +  * **Parrots:** Cockatoos have solved similar puzzles but haven't been tested with the CrowBox. See their problem-solving in action: [[|YouTube Video]]
 +**Q: Does this really work?**
 +A: Success varies. Factors like location and the specific corvid species play significant roles. Crows, known for their caution, may require time to adapt to the CrowBox. The project is more about learning and engagement with wildlife than guaranteed outcomes.
 +**Q: Can crow calls be used?**
 +A: Yes, but incorrect use may scare the crows away. It's important to use caution if integrating crow calls.
 +**Q: Can the CrowBox be used for research or school projects?**
 +A: Absolutely. It has been utilized for educational purposes and to explore machine learning/AI, although such enhancements are typically not shared back to the community, unfortunately.
 +**Q: Does the CrowBox incorporate machine learning or AI?**
 +A: Currently, there is no official implementation of machine learning or AI. However, individuals may have experimented with these technologies. This an ideal area to explore and expand upon.
 +**Q: Is this community on other platforms?**
 +A: No. Currently, there is only the google group: [[|Google Group]]. There is no official GitHub repo or discord….. yet.
 +**Q: Where can I share my build and usage experiences?**
 +A: Share your pictures and videos in the Google group.
 +**Q: Are there other versions of the CrowBox available?**
 +A: Yes, since its inception in 2008, there have been various versions and revisions. The project is on Version 2, with multiple updates to the design files (revision 3). Here is a list of known, alternate versions and similar projects:
 +  * **The CrowBox**, Joshua Klein, USA, 2008, [[|The CrowBox Website]]
 +  * **Christophe Vieren's Project**, University of Lille, France, 2015, (No longer accessible)
 +  * **The Crowbar by Crowded Cities**, The Netherlands, 2018, [[|Crowded Cities]]
 +  * **Corvid Cleaning**, Christian Günther-Hanssen, Sweden, 2013 - ongoing, [[|Corvid Cleaning]]
 +  * **Hans Forsberg's Project**, Sweden, 2020, [[|YouTube Channel]]
 +  * **The Magpie Recycling Project**, Tomas and Olof Morsing, Sweden, 2021, [[|YouTube Channel]]
 +  * **Crowbuddy**, Gijs-Peter Kuijpers, Date Unknown, [[|YouTube Channel]]
 +  * **Birds for Change**, France, 2021, (No direct link provided)
 +  * **CrowKit**, Steve Joy, Date Unknown, [[|YouTube Channel]]
 +  * **Vending Machine for Birds**, BrittneeAlexus Design, Date Unknown, [[|Vending Machine for Birds]]
 +  * **Nerdfeeder**, Stephen Chasey, Date Unknown, [[|Hackaday Project]] AND [[|Instructables Project]]
 +//Special thanks to Michael Kapp for compiling these!!//
kit/faq.1675678905.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/06 02:21 by admin