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Ponoko Guide is a commercial laser-cutting service that many people have used to get the acrylic parts for their CrowBox project. We have also ordered several sets of CrowBox parts from Ponoko and we're happy to suggest them to you as a source for your CrowBox parts. We have no financial relationship with Ponoko and do not make money when you order your parts there.

For convenience, we have set up two different shared shopping carts at, which you can use to easily order the laser-cut acrylic parts for your CrowBox housing. We have set it up so that you can choose one of two color schemes:

CrowBox housing in BROWN color scheme

CrowBox housing in GREEN color scheme

Once the acrylic parts arrive, check out our YouTube Channel for step-by-step assembly videos.

Disclaimer: We have bought several sets of CrowBox parts from Ponoko in order to verify their quality and accuracy. We have had good customer service experiences with them, as well. For these reasons, we're happy to recommend Ponoko as a place for you to buy your parts. Ponoko charges fees for materials, manufacturing services, and shipping but we have no financial interest or affiliation with them. We receive no money when parts are bought at Ponoko - we're just making a service recommendation.

Further: The design of the CrowBox housing parts was modified slightly in January, 2023 to improve the build process. We have made it easier to assemble a CrowBox housing when using acrylic parts that run at the thicker end of the published tolerances. Manufacturers' specifications allow for a +/- 10% variation in material thickness, so we have now better accounted for the possibility that some acrylic parts may be thicker than expected.

If you'd like to consider other online laser-cutting services, you can download the housing geometry files from here and submit them to a service of your choosing.

You may also download the geometry files and take them into your local makerspace to ask about having them laser cut for you.

kit/ponoko_guide.1675303618.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/01 18:06 by steve